Sunday, November 20, 2011

Seed-planting is scary.

Sometimes I see girls and what they do and what they think and how they act, and I just want to shake them and yell at them something like "do you not realize how much you are disrespecting yourself and how unhappy you are and how much better things could be?!"

But of course I don't say or do anything because 1. It could be kind of hypocritical since that for sure used to be me and sometimes I still struggle (but actually this gives me more a heart for them because I KNOW they aren't happy since I know I wasn't), 2. I can't expect people to change their life if they don't even know Jesus at all, and 3. I can't force them to try and get to know Him.

I  also need to be motivated by love instead of frustration or pride or wanting them to "just get it" or whatever else happens inside me. That is something I'm working on.  Don't get into a God discussion unless my heart is in the right place and I am motivated by love.

I am overwhelmed right now, because I want to help people, but I don't know how to do it the right way.  And I don't want to seem like I think I'm better than them.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Confidence from the Lord

This is a new step, friends.  I am going to attempt a real live blog post that has a real topic and a real point and isn't all about me!  Bare with me though, I am a newb with not the best writing skills.  Basically I thought it would be nice for me to post something that would maybe help other people and be less "this is what's going on in my life and how I feel at this moment".  And one thing that I have been pondering for.. ever, pretty much is the happy medium between being prideful and being very timid.  What should our attitude/demeanor be like as Christians, if anything?

I think it is a known fact that boasting in ourselves is not from God.  Heck, even non-believers don't like people who are full of themselves.  My lovely friend Nattie has told me before that she thinks every single sin issue comes from pride, and that is showing itself more and more true to me.  If we were always as humble as we should be, we wouldn't rebel at all.

Now, just because I'm a naturally shy person doesn't mean I'm not prideful a lot still.  In my BC days, I thought that if I was quiet and nice to people, and people thought I was quiet and nice, I was a good person.  Wrong, that thought itself is prideful.  To think that I could be "a good person" just on my own.  These type of seemingly-backward thoughts keep revealing themselves to me.  Like not forgiving yourself or living in guilt.  Something that SEEMS humble is actually prideful.

"Who are you to not forgive someone I have already forgiven?" -God, via Nattie again :)

"I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!" Galatians 2:21

So.  This lead me to the other extreme: timidness and false humility.  Which pertains to myself.  Sometimes I wonder what causes me to by so shy.  I am naturally a soft-spoken person.  But I don't think it is very Godly of me to avoid meeting people and situations that require me to be bold due to shyness.  I think a lot of times shyness is a result of fear and anxiety and trying to find security in people instead of God.  I'm afraid people won't like me or will think I'm nuts for talking about Jesus.  I used to think this kind of attitude was better than being prideful, but that is untrue.

"Be everything you're supposed to
Let Christ rule your heart, mind, body, and soul 'cause He chose you
And if the world don't know you,
It don't matter, you're God's child, and He'll never disown you
Your purpose on earth is far from worthless
That's why you're glorified like your life's been purchased
And it don't matter if the world don't see us
we still mean the world to Jesus"
-Lecrae (poor grammar, good message) :D

Jesus calls us to be bold and not think badly of ourselves and find all acceptance and security in Him.

"May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Galatians 6:14

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7

So, to sum things up:
1. Pridefulness is next to stupidness
2. Being too shy is also prideful
3. God wants us to be confident, through Him

These are things I should work on.  Some practical application/goals for myself:
1. TALK TO PEOPLE.  Introduce myself, love them.  Talk to someone new in class/randomly once a week-ish.
2. Don't be afraid of sharing.  Really sit down and talk to someone about their life and what's going on and make sure they are at least exposed to the information of what Jesus did for them.
3. Look for my acceptance in God only.  This is vague, but I don't know how to make this into a practical application.  Any ideas?

There you have it.  Thoughts?  Comments?  Questions?  Complaints?