Everyone needs a Linzi and Megan in their life, for times when several sad things get piled on you all at the same time, and you start being a baby and cry in the car. They will pull over to a sketchy area, give you a sandwich hug, tell you nice things, and give you a towel to use as a kleenex. And then they will make you a family dinner consisting of chips, more chips, tater tots, pizza rolls, "apple pie", and guy gardners. And then you will get to play with Tender.
I will miss things like this, a lot, when/if I move back to Ames.
I would much rather have the life I have now and everyone in it, than go back to January, have an unnamed person back in my life, and have the future I thought I was going to have.
God isn't always necessarily kind, but He IS. ALWAYS. LOVING.
friend, you are really, really neat.