Wednesday, June 29, 2011

These mean a lot to me.

So I swallow my pride,
Empowered by God,
I'm complete in Him.

However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me- the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.
Acts 20:24

Friday, June 24, 2011

Crazy past couple of days

Everyone needs a Linzi and Megan in their life, for times when several sad things get piled on you all at the same time, and you start being a baby and cry in the car.  They will pull over to a sketchy area, give you a sandwich hug, tell you nice things, and give you a towel to use as a kleenex.  And then they will make you a family dinner consisting of chips, more chips, tater tots, pizza rolls, "apple pie", and guy gardners.  And then you will get to play with Tender.

I will miss things like this, a lot, when/if I move back to Ames.

I would much rather have the life I have now and everyone in it, than go back to January, have an unnamed person back in my life, and have the future I thought I was going to have.

God isn't always necessarily kind, but He IS. ALWAYS. LOVING.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Heart Guard

A few things I thought about tonight:
1. I am happy to be naive.  Not ignorant, just kind of protected from some things that sadly, a lot of people experience.  I am more blessed than I realize.  I am happy to be an introvert.  I am happy to be a good girl.  I like wanting to be friends with everyone.  I'm glad I am super weird and make failed attempts at jokes all the time.  I am happy to be able to say that I don't hate myself, I don't think I am extremely ugly, I know I have worth, and I know I am loved.  There are a lot of people that can't say those things.  That hurts me, and I just want them to not feel that way, and I wish I could help them more.
2. I am not going to date anyone except my husband.
3. I wish there was Anthem in the summer.

And now, some pictures of sheep.  Because why not.

well, guess I know where I want to live now.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yesterday I got this email that was SUPER encouraging to me.  It's from this person that I've been talking to about Jesus for almost a year pretty much.  I've brought her to church a lot and we've had lots of deep talks about stuff.  We're reading a book together right now, and we've been discussing it almost every day.  She sent me an email with a bunch of questions.  I tried to answer them as best I could.  And then she sent THIS back to me:

(A few things have been minorly changed to keep anonymity!)

I am going to print this email out and keep it for the rest of my life.  I know why we are reading this book (so I guess God must have planned it--hmph--he's showing me up).  You are helping me with Truth.  I am helping you fine tune the gift of evangelism.  You are not talking at me; lecturing off things you have memorized from church.  You are speaking from a much deeper place because you love me.  I can't tell you how many puzzle pieces were put together for me in one email.  Maybe God wants to teach you how to love all of His people because if you are to be an evangelist you have to love all God's people and speak to them from a love that wants to heal them. Getting to know you for the last couple of years has shown me that you are not just "my younger friend".  You have helped me tread water for a while.  I think you understand how I come to Jesus from a broken place and you want to free me as I wanted to free my brother, and that is a live example of Jesus's love through you.  That is true evangelism.  Remember when I had my "Cornerstone meltdown" and we talked in my apartment for a while.  I told you some examples of what I carry and you said, "I feel like I haven't been through anything that hard in my life."  You have been through hard times, but you are not shattered.  Remember that day I was furious at the pastor because he was speaking about church planting and evangelism and all the college kids in Iowa City they were helping.  I got angry because I didn't believe him.  I didn't think he knew about who needs evangelism.  I was angry that he was so focused on college kids. I kept thinking about Christ spending most of His time with the lepers, prostitutes, tax-collectors, and adulterers.  I know I got overly angry that day because of the journey I am on, but Kaytee--YOU are getting a sneak peek at a shattered heart; enslaved and scared by life, but that Jesus wants to put back together again.  If you looked for brokenness in other people and loved them as you love me you could unlock some of those chains on people.  You are learning how to speak from love and not lecture.  Some time in your life you may come across someone Jesus asks you to "save".  If you try to identify with the pain they are feeling you will know what NOT to say to them, to earn their trust, and then you can speak to them out of love.  You could go deeper with evangelism.  Find the women at the well or the leper.  Be brave enough to feel their pain that you have witnessed through me. So you know exactly what to say and what NOT to say.  You may be being groomed to have a gift similar to your older pastor's wife. Prepare for battle Kaytee it could get rough:)

Literally the day before I got this I was praying and being like "God have I ever helped someone see who you are?" Because I usually end up feeling like I've pushed people away after I talk to them about Jesus.  But seeing that Jesus worked through me to help just one person, makes everything worth it!  We really shouldn't be so afraid to share the gospel.  Yes, there will be a lot of people cutting you down for it and denying everything you're speaking about.  But every once in awhile, someone opens their heart and they get it!  God is crazy and sneaky.

Happy happy happy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Come and Save Me

"Some of My children find Me more readily during dark times, when difficulties force them to depend on me.  Others feel closer to me when their lives are filled with good things.  They respond with thanksgiving and praise, thus opening wide the door to My presence."
-Jesus Calling

I have been kinda bumming out about how selfish I've been the last couple of days.  I keep getting worked up and anxious over things in my life, and I am a firm believer that worry always results in sin (aka not trusting God has a handle on situations), and I'm basically just in one big pile of selfish, anxious, stupid sin.  And then on top of that, I am succeeding at reading everything BUT my bible a lot lately, and I just miss God.  And I'm the one keeping myself from being close to Him.  Annnd we're back in the big pile of selfishness.

I think a key part of deciding to follow Jesus means you switch the focus from yourself to Him.  Francis Chan woke me up to the idea that I seriously need to get over myself already.  And that life is NOT about me.  It isn't. Sometimes I grasp this idea fully, and when that happens, I feel freedom.  So why aren't I a wonderful selfless person all the time?  Does this mean my flesh is ALWAYS going to hold me back?  My whole life?  That makes me want to cry.  But at the same time it kind of makes sense, that I can never measure up to God.  And even more thankful for what Jesus did.

I am a terrible writer, I should probably tie in to that quote I put at the top.  Even though I am in my selfish rut right now, it seems like God is showering me with blessings.  I have not been this happy in general ever.  God is just giving me gifts upon gifts and I am so confused at them.  Psalm 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart."  That is a really lovely verse, but I feel like I am not loving Him enough to deserve everything He is giving me right now.  Obviously I want to feel closer to God during times like these, and I hope He can teach me to be more gracious and thankful and just accepting of what He gives me.  If I'm being honest though, I have never felt closer to Him than when I am suffering, when all I can do is depend on Him.  That scares me, because that might mean I have to go through more suffering to be closer to Him.  I mean if that's what it takes.. then okay.

I think the point of this post was to a) express some thanks for this hurricane of undeserved love God is giving me, but also to b) work through in my mind that I will probably go through more tough times in order to be closer to Him.  Which is good.  This is what I want.

And also c) to ask for help on shifting my focus from what I want to what God wants and what I can be doing for other people.  That solves my whole worrying problem too.

There you have it, folks.